Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Small Victories = a Win!

Saturday, I went to speak at one of our old churches. You know, this blog isn't about church, it is about healthy eating and the whole http://www.ForksOverKnives.com kind of experience. But as I was eating lunch with a long-time friend, I realized for the "first" time (first time recently) that I needed to make my own choices and not just eat what looked good. I had to do it by a decision and not based on my feelings....

Mostly the food was healthy and very tasty. But I simply passed by a couple of items and said to myself, "Self, you don't need that and healthy really comes down to your own choice." So, I skipped the dessert and later at the birthday party we attended, skipped the desserts again. Small victories = a Win! The goal seems to me, to stack up these small victories so that I can win all the time, not just once-in-awhile.

How about you, are you winning? Do you need more support? Do you need more conviction?


  1. This is really hard.

    Sunday I responded to a sad incident where a young father was killed. While awaiting the medical examiner and sheriff deputies, I got out my lunch box and used the microwave in the mechanic's "lounge."

    A couple of hours later, while heading back to Portland, my partner asked me to stop at DQ so he too could eat. I got a small burger and small fries.

    I realized later it was mostly "desire" (hedonism?) and stress that caused me to eat just 2 hours after eating earlier. Bummer.

    Good for you Rog!!

  2. Oprah and 378 Staffers Go Vegan: The One-Week Challenge - Oprah.com http://bit.ly/g1W2By
