When it comes to diet and eating right, it seems as if America is winning at the wrong things. We're winning at the game of taste. We're winning at the game of obesity. We're winning at the game of heart disease. We're winning at the game of cancer. We're winning at the game of "I want what I want"
Notice I didn't say we're winning those problems, we're winning in a different way.... Yesterday, at the "Get Motivated" seminar, one of the speakers attributed this quote to Adrian Rogers: "Failure us succeeding at the wrong things."
Oh yeah! We're winning at the wrong things. We need to be winning at good health. We need to be winning at life enjoyment. We need to be winning at longevity. We need to be winning and getting rid of the above problems - and we can with a firm commitment to principle.
Yesterday at the lunch break, we went to Chipotle and I ordered a veggie burrito. Skipped the sour cream, skipped the cheese. There's plenty more to add. But my daughter got both of those on hers and when she couldn't finish it and handed it over to her father - who thought he was about to die from malnourishment before lunch - took it and at the last 1/3rd of hers.
I'm really good with food principle until my mind thinks I'm starving (which I'm not, nor ever have been). If we would have gone in an hour earlier to this same restaurant and the same scenario played out, I likely would have said "nope, I'm fine" for two reasons. 1) one of Chipotle's burrito's is really enough food, and 2) Out of principle for eating a completely vegan diet.
But when I feel as if I'm famished, get my mind in gear that I don't care what I eat as long as it's BIG, it gets me in trouble. This wasn't trouble, and it wasn't likely life-threatening. But I'm really saying, I wasn't living on principle anymore. I was winning at the wrong thing. I need to learn to eat to live, not live to eat. How about you?
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